About Us

Varanasi - An Introduction

    Varanasi, the dream of millions and millions of Hindus living in India and in the world, is a holy and sacred city. Every Hindu wants to go to this city at least once in his life time with the purpose of attaining Moksha. Moksha is libration or salvation.  Hindus never want to take birth and rebirth and we want to stop this cycle. We believe that life on this earth is suffering and full of illusions. Moksha provides us permanent detachment of our soul and spirit from this worldly cycle. We believe Varanasi is Avimukta, provider of Moksha. Ganga, the divine and heavenly river flowing through the city, washes our sins and enables us to attain Moksha.   This is not just a river; it is Goddess and Mother for us. We call this river as Ganga Maiyya, Mother Ganga. W...

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Who We Are ?

We are a cooperative fraternity of educated, experienced tourism professionals and licensed local tourist guides, born and raised in Varanasi. After working many years with different travel companies and guiding the tourist for different companies, we started our own platform with an aim to provide authentic services and guidance to the travelers in a genuine price by cutting out the margins of middleman. Ensuring the optimum satisfaction of our guest, we  never ask to go for any shopping as this is the primary terms of our services. Most of us are local licensed tourist guides, approved by government with a valid identity card. We story tellers are locally raised and well aware of every corner of our city with deep knowledge of history, culture and folk lore. We all are well versed with English language and some of us also speak other languages like Spanish, Italian, German, and Japanese etc. We are also powered by a reputed travel company of Varanasi named as "The Enchanting Holidays".

Our Members & Explorers

Mr. Desmond Gomes


A well known name in tourism trade of Varanasi. He is born in Varanasi tourism and graduated from a University from Varanasi. He holds a great experience of working in hospitality sector. He served for Jet Air Tours, Jet Airways, Travel Spirit International in Varanasi for a long time.

Mr. Manoj Maurya

Founder and Guide

Born and brought up in Varanasi and made for tourism. He is MTA (Master of Tourism Administration) from MGKVP University, Varanasi and also a licensed Tourist Guide by Government. Being fluent in English and Hindi, he is serving the tourist from last ten years.

Mr. Neelesh Sinha


Young, energetic gentle man is PGDM Tourism from Delhi University. He holds a license of Tourist Guide awarded by government. He is living in Varanasi from several years. He is a passionate guide and fluently speaks English and Hindi.

Mr. Vimal Pathak


Also born and lived in Varanasi and have a postgraduate degree in Philosophy from the Benares Hindu University. He is a licensed tourist Guide from Government and guiding the tourist from last fifteen years. He is a sweet-tempered man and fluently speaks Spanish, English and Hindi.

Mr. Pradeep Pandey


He is a hard working and kind hearted man, born and raised in Varanasi. He holds a master degree in Tourism Administration from a university in Varanasi. He was also awarded a license of Tourist Guide by Government. He is well versed with Spanish, English and Hindi Language.

Mr. Argha Banerjee


A pure "Banarasi" friendly man is born and brought up in the narrow allies of Varanasi. He is MA in History from a University in Varanasi and also holds a license of Guide from Government. This passionate gentle man speaks English, German, Hindi and Bengali.

Mr. Ram Nihal


He is a kind gentle man living in Varanasi from several years. He is Holding a degree of B.Sc. from a University and diploma of French Language with license of Guide from Government. He is working in Tourism of Varanasi from last fifteen years. He also worked as a guide in International Buddhist Conclave held in Varanasi and speaks French, English and Hindi.

Mr. Chanchal Maurya


Living in Varanasi from his University time, he is among the senior guides of Varanasi. He is also holding a license of Guide awarded by Government and guiding travelers from last twenty five years in Varanasi. He is M.Sc. from a University in Varanasi. He is an energetic man and speaks Spanish, English and Hindi.

Mr. Anash Khan


Also born and brought up in Varanasi and Graduated from a University in Varanasi. He is a young energetic man holding a license of tourist Guide awarded by Government. He is Guiding the tourist from last ten years. He also hold a diploma in Japanese language. He Speaks Spanish, Hindi and Japanese.

Explore to Experiance

Our mission statement “Explore to Experience” redefines the way of visiting a destination.  For us Exploring a place is not merely a sightseeing but to experience and feel it. We provide all the possible opportunities to our guest not only to know but also to participate in the actions and activities happening. Varanasi is a culturally rich city and is a city of activities. Something is always happening in its lanes, Ghats, temples and cremation ground.   When a visitor encounters these activities, he asks many overwhelming questions and we cultural ambassadors of the city try to quench their thirst with an authentic answer with practical experience and participation.